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Inspired by all of the Children cared for by PCHAS


If I could turn back the hands of time

bending time

I would turn corners

jump through the magical loops of mystery

 just to find the words to make you feel alright.


If I could bend time

I would squeeze through trees

tumble across the Serengeti

lap, sip, and drink the Atlantic

all to show you the depths of my love

that runs deeper than surface to crust.


The voided crater you were unfortunately given at birth is not yours to own.


If I could bend time

I would store up filled wishes, kisses

many ways to let you know you’re missed when away

and spin them all into a woven baby’s blanket

waiting for you

when you made your entry

through womb to mother’s earth.

I’ll wrap it over, under, and beside you

to shield the ills, chills

and lack you grew to embrace

as your heart home.


If I could bend time

I would fold back to the day

you laughed instead of cried

the day you accepted crumbs for love

to the day when you heard said,

you weren’t good enough

would never be anything

and scoop you up to lollipop your ears

to hear the sweetness and softness

of your developing heart.


If I could bend time

I would bend it

with only you in mind

to let you feel love

entering through your first breath

to your last heartbeat. 


I’ll love you forever

even when time is not on our side

I’ll bend it with only you in mind

If I could bend time…..

Bending Time Poem
Cutting Through the Noise Poem

Cutting Through the Noise 

Inspired by “Lisa’s Story”


Cutting through the noise

Drowning my emotions

Numbing my feelings

Cut by cut

My expression of choice

To erase my reality

Empowering my center

An escape of my lonely world


Hoping for something I never knew

Lower I go to reach the floor of my stability

Only to find it loved me cold


But snatched was I from my brutal plan

And help I found from those special hands

Who understood my rejected-ness

And helped me see my respectfulness


Step by step I entered a journey of love through the hope of angels

For when my angels appeared their feathers became my shield


Turning C’s and D’s to A’s and B’s

Learning who I am and finding what I can

To progress my way to uncover my gifts


I am the most valuable player

I can excel in math and science

I do sit on the honor roll


They showed me a better plan

And helped my need

To kill the emotions

To embrace the thrill

Of their devotion


I am gifted

I am lifted

I can live

For they showed me how to heal my ills

And turned my dark days into a plan of love


I dare not imagine my life without them

They rescued me from my pit

And now I sit in my fit

Of awesomeness!

Lisa's Story


As an 11-year-old, Lisa was sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend, and was removed from her home by Child Protective Services. She was placed in a foster home, but because she’d been cutting herself, her foster parents and the psychiatrist she was seeing at the time were concerned for her safety. Lisa was placed in a residential treatment center, whose staff has special expertise with children who cut themselves.   Lisa had a hard time regulating, expressing or understanding her emotions. The center’s psychiatrist said that Lisa was feeling worthless, lonely and rejected.


After her time in the treatment center Lisa was welcomed into in a PCHAS foster home. Her foster parents were concerned because Lisa was withdrawn and suffered from bouts of deep depression, but they provided her structure, stability and love. When they were called to become Lisa’s foster parents, their case manager knew them well.  She assured them that she would be with them every step of this journey of love. And she was.


Over the course of her first year, Lisa made significant progress. She joined the basketball team, and won the “most valuable player” award. Her foster parents attended all her basketball games, and the night that she won the award, they were so proud! A naturally gifted student who especially enjoys math and science, Lisa eventually brought her grades up from C’s and D’s to A’s and B’s. She was on the honor roll! She knew her foster parents would be thrilled with her progress in school and she beamed when she showed them her report card.


Lisa still has scars from her days as a “cutter.” She also has nightmares from the years of sexual abuse she suffered in the past. She is grateful to her PCHAS foster parents, who provided love, hope and healing during one of the darkest times of her life. Once so fragile, Lisa exceeded all their expectations. She cannot imagine what her life would have been like without them.


Without you, our supporters, we would not be able to do the work that we do. Our clients and our hardworking staff members thank you from the bottom of their hearts. You allow us to extend compassion and hope to a child in need. Your support will enable PCHAS to connect more children like Lisa with loving foster parents. Thank you!

Lisa's Story
Right of Whitney Poem

The Right of Whitney 

Inspired by Whitney’s Story


Home to home

With no place to roam

No place to lay my dreams

Allow my thoughts to scale

Tall building in a single bounce


No place to ease my body

To rest my developmental self

Taken by advances

Raped by monsters

Bitten by the truth

Manipulated to hide my youth

Full of hate

You dared not to claim the mistake

Full of hurt

Yet your words be so curt


You took me in

And wanted me to win

As long as my past felt pins

Didn’t stick to your only kin


But later for all that

The PCHAS pack accepted me back


Believed in me when I said

Comforted me where I laid my head

Protected me to stand

Pushed me to understand

I can have dignity

I can live a life of brilliancy


That will lead me to my liberty

To help another and take their hand

To work through their misery


For I stand despite what you did to me

And today I stand and fight

For my right in Victory!

Whitney’s Story


It would take a lifetime to explain what Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services means to me, but I would like to share my story in hopes that I can convey the impact they have had on my life. PCHAS saved my life. PCHAS gave me choices, dignity, and a safe haven. PCHAS gave me a home where I wouldn’t be exploited, where I could pick up the fragile pieces of my existence and try to make something of myself.


I was born into a sexually, verbally and emotionally abusive family. When my sister was young she quit school to stay home and help protect me. Later that year my uncle called Child Protective Services to report my parents. My mother left and my father became incarcerated. My sister and I entered foster care. After several years in care we found out there was a family who wanted to adopt us. We were so excited and quickly became part of a family.


We did all the normal things a family would enjoy like vacations and holidays. We found our place. It was a dream, until one day when it shattered. The day where I was standing outside with my adopted uncle and he began to sexually abuse me.


I was horrified but I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t want to be moved again. But my parents found out anyway; and instead of protecting me and fighting for me, I woke up one morning to find myself being sent away. They said that I was lying and they didn’t want me anymore.


The foster care social worker couldn’t find a place to put me for a while but PCHAS took a chance on me. The PCHAS staff sat me down away from my adoptive parents, asked me what happened and told me that I could live in a PCHAS Group Home if I wanted to. The staff never doubted my word; they never said I was lying. I arrived terrified, manipulative, full of hate and full of hurt, but the staff made a difference by listening to me.


The next five years of my life were amazing. I finally found a place to belong, to call my own. I finally knew who I was and who I wanted to be. PCHAS did so much more than clothe me, feed me and send me to school. The PCHAS staff helped me discover myself.

Whitney's Story
The Graduates Poem

The Graduates

Inspired By Sarah's Story


Odds would say

I’m down for the college count

But the Green’s of love

Stabilized my walk

And taught me to persevere


Through their love and attention

I became a child of mention

No matter my years of cycling homes

I found one to cling to

And one to bring

My sister Nora’s things to


Perseverance is my name

With several scholarships as my gain

I stand tall for I’ve been giving

The walk of a godly figure

To model my future days

Counter to my starting ways


Onward and upward

To be the proud the true


Enabled by the Green’s

I am so other youth

Can walk as I be the proof


A foster of love

Can dispel the truth of a fallen child

Who’s been passed from boot to boot

Destined not to shoot for a college boost


Let’s raise the statistic

So they can become the realistic

Graduates of truth

Sarah's Story


Sarah is 17 years old and heading to college. Typical?  Not at all. Why? Sarah has been in the foster care system since she was three years old.  During this time, she was bounced from one foster home to another. Sarah has been in more than 12 homes during her young life. 


Research shows that each time a child is moved from one home to another, it compounds the emotional trauma they’ve been through, and the child falls six months behind in school. No wonder only 46% of the children in foster care graduate from high school. The odds were certainly stacked against Sarah.


That is until she was placed with new foster parents, the Greens. Since being placed with the Greens, Sarah has stabilized, caught up academically and has received several scholarships to attend college! Sarah has been so happy in the Greens’ home that she has asked if her younger sister, Nora, who has also lived in many different foster homes over the years, could also be placed with the Greens. “I want my sister to see how great it is to actually have a mom and dad after all these years,” said Sarah.


Sarah’s name should be in the dictionary under the word “perseverance,” which has two meanings:


1) Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.



Theology. Continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.

Sarah embodies both meanings of perseverance. However, it also can’t be understated how the Greens have literally been a Christ figure to Sarah -- loving and supporting her to provide hope and healing and become all that God intends.

“We’ve seen her happiness and have been so happy for her. We’re really proud of what Sarah has accomplished with her life, and, to tell the truth, we are proud of ourselves, too,” said the Greens at Sarah’s high school graduation.

Sarah's Story
Mix of Six Poem

The Mix of 6 

Inspired by 6 kids find their “forever home”


Too many

Too late

Six kids someone must take


Altogether they make

A happy escape

To the family ties of a stranger

Bonded over time

Into a magical line of love

And culture to shine

The light of a lost

Which began in their plight


From the rays of the sun

To brighten the tenderness of a bystander

Who took a stand and said

Not in this land

Should this pack of six be melt

Like a Popsicle stick

Trapped in a box

Dejected by their mix


For no matter the mix

All was designed

With a greater purpose in mind

To shape this pack of six

To foster the development

Of a multiple of

6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6

Into the 46 of thousands

To bond family ties of this mix

Into a wonderful predicate.



6 kids find their “forever home” Story


Six children came into care after being left in a hot car for hours as their care taker was in a bar drinking in the middle of the day. No one foster family can take in six children so they were split up into different foster homes. Despite the children having their fair share of disappointments and transitions over the past few years, the kids are still so optimistic and full of life.


They range in ages from 3 to 14. They are your typical kids who love gymnastics, sports, and trying fun new activities. They have an incredible sense of humor and have been remarkably resilient throughout their time is foster care. The past several years for these children have been quite the rollercoaster. They have experienced the raw reality of foster care and the beauty of finding a new beginning just recently when a local family stepped up to bring unimaginable hope to these children in the darkest of times this July. 


We were able to find an adoptive home to take all siblings together. This adoptive family is a rare find. It is very difficult to find an adoptive home willing to take all of the siblings in care, but especially a family that matches their ethnic identity. As a case worker we take into account the cultural identity of a child and the impact that will have on them throughout their development and into their adult life. This was a long and time consuming process seeking the best fit for the children involved. It was all worth it though! When asking the kids about the favorite part of their new adoptive home, "I like seeing my brothers and sisters every day!”


We were so blessed to find a home that had the same view to keep the siblings together and assist in helping them retain their cultural identity. They are a large family with a lot of love to give and will be an incredible presence in the lives of these six children. Through one turn of fate, and years of being in temporary foster care, these children will now have a sense of permanency, a new loving family, a forever family.

6 kids find their forever home
Embracing The Bag Poem

Embracing the Bag

Inspired by three children one garbage bag



has befallen the children


has left them holding the bag


Fear based and love starved

Took a toll of time

To accept the caring nature of another

As one they could cling to

And relax to bring their cares and things to


For their bag held more than things

But scars and tears

Mended only by patience and a weave of a thread

They could hold no matter where they were led


To blossom this three

Into an awesome memory

Wiping the tears

And holding the fears

As scars of their time

Faded deep in the way

To their smiles by day

And sweet dreams

In their stay








Three children, one garbage bag


PCHAS received a call from a school principal, who was very concerned about three children, ages 9, 8 and 6. She knew that something was very wrong; this was clear, she said, from their sullen behavior and disheveled appearance. Their mother had been arrested on drug charges and the children were living with a family friend. The family friend, who was also addicted to drugs, neglected the children. 


The children came into our care holding a garbage bag, their “suitcase” that carried what little clothes they had.


Our Child and Family specialist worked with PCHAS’ dedicated foster care and adoption team, who placed them with caring PCHAS foster parents. The foster parents loved the children unconditionally, something the children had never experienced before.


It took six months for the children to learn to trust the foster parents. But once they did, the children blossomed in their care.

3 children one garbage bag
His 1st Love Party Poem

His 1st Love Party

Inspired by The Birthday Cake Story


Walking to the cake

My fear is out

I’m developing like the ninja

Sweet icing to eat

And even more to be

A Ninja Turtle for today


In my temporary home

I found those to love me

Those to bridge my journey

With agape healing love


Get on board the 1st Love Party

Leaving the station

6 years in his life journey

We love him as God loves

We worry not

For this is a step of his healing

We do our part

For we know our hearts


Be it a story

A lesson to ride

A trip to experience delight

We stand to meet our call


Enriching his body, soul and spirit

To prepare his way

To live in love each day


For we are the family that fosters

From the hard places to a loving space

And today we stand in celebration

With his 1st cake of love to lead his way.




Birthday Cake Story


“Miss Leah, have you ever had birthday cake? IT IS SO GOOD! I had one with Ninja Turtles and it had icing and it turned my mouth bright green! It was AWESOME!”


As a social worker, you prepare yourself to hear things that should never happen to children. I have heard a lot of horrifying things in the time that I have been an advocate for children from hard places. When this sweet 6 year old boy told me all about his birthday cake, all my training went out the window and the façade was cracked. I cried. And I cried hard.

I cried because he was so amazed at receiving a birthday cake—the first birthday cake he had ever had—something we all take for granted.


I cried because his foster parents, whom he had only known a short time, threw him a birthday party—and understood why such a small thing is monumental in his world. And took into consideration that Ninja Turtles are his favorite.


I cried because the birthday cake was only a small stepping stone in his journey of hope and healing.


I cried because this amazing child, God’s child, was safe. Not only did he have a foster family to meet his basic needs, he had a foster family that met his needs body, soul and spirit. A family that read him bedtime stories, talked to him about Jesus, took him on family trips, showed him how to ride a bike and most importantly, loved him as if he were born to them.


Lastly, I cried because there were people out there that loved this sweet boy as if he were born to them knowing that in the end, he may not stay in their home forever. Not only was their love powerful, it was healing. The fear of caring for children from hard places was driven out by love. And it all started with cake.


Bday Cake Story
Thank You Poem

Thank You 

Inspired by Baby Isaac Story



There I lay

Naked and alone

Born into this world

An addict

Who can they call?

Who would be prepared?

But you were there

Perfect just for me


You were there

To hold me

Console me

To soothe all the pains

I felt inside

You understood

With empathy

For my situation


Conceived from a need

A need of want

A need of lack

A need for a fix


Carried was I

For nine months

As an imposition

An after thought


Although I have

No conceivable idea

Of the magnitude

Of my situation

Or that which

Will bring me to

A healthier place

You are here

To love me

Hold me

Care for me

And that’s what I 

Am waiting for


You are ready

No matter the cost

No matter my struggle

Through withdrawals


Fighting to survive

For the entry to this world

The hardest thing for me

For I am yet

An infant


And I am here

Because you care


And if I could

Could speak a word

It would be two


Thank You!






Baby Isaac’s Story


Loving foster parents like Andy and Donna can literally make the difference between life and death. Andy and Donna feel as though they are called by God to care for the most fragile of the children in need. Some of the most fragile children are newborn babies with health problems. Having adopted an older child with health problems, Andy and Donna developed a reputation with PCHAS foster care specialists for taking some of the most difficult cases, so the specialists knew even before they called them that Andy and Donna were likely up for the challenge.

Andy and Donna met Baby Isaac in the neo-natal intensive care unit at a nearby hospital. Isaac had been exposed to drugs in utero and was suffering from withdrawal. He cried a lot and acted irritable and jittery. Andy and Donna’s hearts went out to this tiny, innocent baby who was suffering so. Isaac was hospitalized for a month before Andy and Donna could take him home. Isaac was being weaned off of the drug he became addicted to in utero. Isaac was kept in a very quiet, darkened room in the hospital since bright lights and noise irritated him while he was undergoing withdrawal.


The doctors also recommended a lot of tender, loving care for Isaac, which Andy and Donna were more than happy to provide. Day after day, they wrapped Isaac tight in his blanket, which made him feel more secure, and rocked him gently for hours. Isaac’s cry was louder and more insistent than most babies’ cries, and it broke Andy and Donna’s hearts to hear these cries. They could only imagine what Isaac was going through.


After a month of visits from Andy and Donna, Isaac was released from the hospital and they could finally take him home. Isaac’s pitiful cries continued, but Andy and Donna continued to rock him and hold him tight until he calmed down. Andy and Donna are a Godsend to Isaac, and Isaac has responded well to their loving touch.


Fast forward one year: Isaac is thriving! He has not hit all the developmental milestones that normal one-year-olds achieve at one year of age, but the doctors think that he will soon catch up to other children. He has bonded with his foster parents and smiles and laughs easily. Andy and Donna couldn’t be happier. They feel that Isaac is a gift from God.


Baby Isaac story
One More Time Poem

One More Time 

Inspired by Allen’s Story


Over and done

I thought at 9

I had won

But it turned out like

The kind of abuse

That I had grew

Silent I

Because I knew


Removed at 4

Then at 5



Medicated for this

And that, yep too

What more can they

Put on me?


Maybe a tour of DDLD

Developed – delayed

Learning – disabled


Not yet done

Here are more guns


Impulse – erratic

Trust – destroyed

All before

I reached eleven


But then one kind

Took her time

To see that I

Had no development feathers

But these rather


I like football

And soccer too

Nothing I speak

To unglue my rule


I may not listen

I dare not trust

With the lack of love

What shape can they

Expect me be?


So when the next

That’s Emma and Joe

Signed to put me

In their tow

Nervous and disheveled

One big step

I took and left

My hometown place


We took our time

Worked with this one

And that one too

Until my doubts

Turned to be

A forever family




Allen’s Story


Allen was five years old when the police removed him from his birth family. Because his mother was mentally ill and physically abusive, and his father was using drugs, Allen entered the foster care system.

For five years, as he moved between foster homes, he had trouble with impulse control. He showed signs of developmental delays and a learning disability. The little boy was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and medicated for ADHD. When he was adopted at age nine, he hoped his problems were over.


Within two years, Allen’s teachers accused the adoptive parents of abuse, and he re-entered the system. He spent his middle-school years living with foster parents.


A Foster Care Case Manager for PCHAS met Allen when he was 15. “Allen does not have behavior problems,” she points out. “He is a good kid who likes football, soccer and video games. He might come across as immature, and might resist authority sometimes, but he shows up every morning at school and gets through the day without becoming unglued. We knew he was a good candidate for adoption, if we could find the right fit.”


Allen had always lived in Texas and has a biological sister in the area. About a year ago he took a big step: He left his hometown. He agreed to stay with a couple, Ron and Amy almost a two-hour drive away from his hometown. “He avoided discussing adoption at first,” our case manager explained. “He had to test Ron and Amy before he could trust them. Then when Ron and Amy started fostering a toddler, Allen was nervous about being replaced. It took us a while to work through his fear of rejection.”  PCHAS provided moral support and practical advice to Ron and Amy while they fostered Allen. Knowing that an adoption would end PCHAS involvement, the couple asked for family therapy. PCHAS assisted them with finding a therapist to help the new family through their transition.


Last fall Ron, Amy and Allen agreed to be a “forever family.” They completed adoption proceedings in the Spring.

Allen's story
Carly Style Collection

Carly Style 


Inspired by Carly's story


Bim-bam-boom baby

I’m dancing to my special groove

I’ve overcome the odds

I’ve jumped in and flowed

High School, college, working, all this

Maintaining my 3+ GPA


Bim-bam-boom baby

Not just an easy move

But I’m stepping in the sports medicine tune baby

No matter the decade plus in foster care

I’ve stepped out the tough life  ‘til I’m bare


Bim-bam-boom baby

I’m dancing to my special groove

Day by day

Tippy-tap-tap tap

Rejoicing all the way!












Carly’s Story


Carly has been in foster care since the early 2000’s due to concerns of abuse and neglect for Carly and her much younger siblings.


While still in foster care, Carly’s biological mother passed away leaving her with no one to help care for her. Despite the many obstacles Carly has had to work through and overcome, she has never lost sight of the importance of education.


She is currently enrolled in college studying sports medicine. Carly has maintained a 3+ GPA while working full time and living on her own. She plans to transfer in the fall and continue her studies in Sports Medicine.


These are HUGE accomplishments for any child in foster care. And, in addition to her being a dedicated student, Carly has proven to be motivated, responsible, resourceful, passionate, and a strong self-advocate. She always rises to any challenge and will accomplish anything she sets her mind to achieve.

Carly's story
A Test Of Love Poem

A Test of Love Artist

 Inspired by Hannah’s story


As the sun rises so does my love for you

As you kick and scream

Fighting to be supreme

So will my love for you


Daily I wait for you to test it

So I can show you how deep my love flows


Soon you will see and there I will be

Up to the rising sun

Singing my love for you




Hannah’s Story


Hannah was a young 4 year old girl who had suffered horrific abuse. She had been through a series of 12 foster homes in a year as a result of her negative behavior or acting out.


PCHAS foster parents the Stacey’s got the call that if anyone could get through to her it was them and would they be willing to take this little girl into their home, they accepted. When Hannah arrived she promptly tested their love for her by breaking out a van window. Hannah defiantly said “Well are you going to send me to another home now”. She was determined to not allow another person to hurt her first. Pat responded that as determined as she was to hate him she had met her match and he was going to love her harder than she could hate him.


It wasn’t an easy road there were times when Hannah would have outbursts that would last for hours or she would threaten to run away and Pat would have to sleep outside her bedroom door in the hallway to make sure she was safe. Slowly after a few months of her testing their love and seeing they weren’t going anywhere her behavior began to improve. She was finally at the point where she could be reunited with her Uncle who was fostering her two younger siblings. As the Stacy’s prepared her to leave they didn’t want Hannah to feel like she was being sent away, so on their last day together they woke up to watch the sunrise together. As the sun peaked out of it’s hiding place her Pat told her “every time you wake up and see the sun know that I am seeing that same sun and looking up, saying your name and telling you I love you and I want you to do the same”


A few short months went by and Pat got a phone call, on the other line was Hannah’s aunt. She said Hannah wanted to speak to Pat and he said of course put her on. Hannah’s sweet voice came on the line and said “Daddy Pat are you still looking up at the sun every day and thinking about me?” and he said absolutely.

Hannah's story
Living In My Memories Poem

Living In My Memories

Inspired by Ann’s Story


Downtrodden and out

No one to hold my hand

No one to understand


A tear, a scream, the horrid dreams

I was living in my memory


I went once

I went twice

To settle in a home

I thought could be my own


To my dismay

All wasn’t in a way

Where I could grow and become the one

I lived to dream that day in my scene

So once again

I’m living in my memories


Until that day the invite came my way

And in it I found

A troop, my group

To make and shape new memories


For through this love

The PCHAS bug

Bit me and became

My new hope and claim


So today I shine

I found a new start

A new part in my heart

Can you see me in the art?


Living in my memories

Still I do

For through them I am

The magnificent with all of you

For truly one day

I hope to hear you say

You can see me in your memory




Ann’s Story


Ann is not one to let a difficult past define her.

When she was a toddler, she was placed with her older sister in foster care. At age 6, she was adopted by one of her foster care families, but physical abuse soon drove Ann and her sister from their adoptive home. The girls were then placed in a group home on the campus of the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services in Waxahachie.


Ann found role models and a supportive, healing environment within the staff at PCHAS and at church. “A lot of kids don’t bond with adults outside the group home. At church is where I got a lot of my support. I have had mentors along the way,” Ann said. “Probably one of the biggest things in my life, though, is God. I’ve always prayed and asked for help.”


Ann said she exceled at school because she received positive adult attention and feedback.


“I needed to know I was doing a good job,” Ann said. “I needed to hear that from teachers, because I didn’t have parents to tell me that. That’s when I started to do really well.”


In her junior year, Ann transferred from her local high school to a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) academy. By the time Ann graduated, she also had earned an associate degree in general science — graduating magna cum laude from a local community college.


Knowing she wanted a four-year degree, her church awarded her a scholarship to help with college expenses. This scholarship helped seal the deal for her to attend the University of her choice.


Higher education tuition in Texas is waived for students coming out of the foster care system, but not many young people take advantage of that break. Citing national studies just 13 percent of foster care children attend college with only 3 percent graduating.

Ann’s goal is to work in animation. “I was always an artist, ever since I could pick up a pencil. I love seeing things come to life, taking things that are only in your mind and making them real,” Ann said.


“I always tell people, ‘Don’t ever let your past be a reason you can’t do something,’” Ann said. “I always wanted things to be better, but you can learn from the bad decisions of others and make it different for yourself.”

Ann's Story

© 2025 Holly Voden

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